“Voice of my Father and 7 Curses of the Mountain” video materials

As we already informed, a few months ago the first book of the saga Voice of my Father and 7 Curses of the Mountain” was released.

The presentation of the book took place in the author’s home region – Armenia (Colombia).

The content analysis is presented by two critics: Mario Ramirez Moncada and Omar Garcia R.

See YouTube video in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad5T2JE5P3A&t=2s

You can purchase an ebook and paperback versions of our book on Amazon by the link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/VOZ-PADRE-MALDICIONES-MONTA%C3%91A-Spanish-ebook/dp/B0BGQLYTWN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22CM8FXDSCX90&keywords=la+voz+de+mi+padre+alonso+gaona&qid=1693591897&s=digital-text&sprefix=la+voz+de+mi+padre+alonso+gaona%2Cdigital-text%2C101&sr=1-1

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